Bhutan Journal of Animal Science: Announcements <p>The Bhutan Journal of Animal Science (BJAS), founded in 2016, is an English-language double-blind peer reviewed journal on livestock science. BJAS is supervised by the Department of Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, and financed by the Royal Government of Bhutan. BJAS publishes research, reviews, reports on all aspects of small and large ruminants, equine, poultry, aquaculture, and apiculture. BJAS also accepts livestock associated research reports on climate change, sustainable development, and rural livelihood. BJAS requires academic papers and research reports to display universal, strategic and innovative characteristics in both theory and practice. BJAS acts as a forum for sharing information between researchers, policy makers and practitioners. BJAS is published annually.</p> en-US CALL FOR RESEARCH ABSTRACTS (Strengthening Collaboration and Knowledge Management in Livestock Research Program) <p><strong><u>SAMPLE ORIGINAL RESEARCH ABSTRACT</u></strong></p> <p><strong>Abstract Title:</strong> Prevalence and Zoonotic Potential of Ancylostomiasis in Dogs in Bumthang District, Bhutan</p> <p><strong>Author Name(s):</strong> <sup>1</sup>Jambay Dorjee, MVPH; <sup>1</sup>Tshering Dorji, MSc; <sup>1</sup>Norbula, Dip. VLT; <sup>2</sup>Jamtsho, BVSc &amp; AH and <sup>3</sup>RB Gurung, PhD</p> <p><strong>Affiliation(s):</strong> <sup>1</sup>Regional Livestock Development Centre, Zhemgang, Bhutan</p> <p><sup> 2</sup>District Veterinary Hospital, Dzongkhag Administration, Bumthang, Bhutan</p> <p><sup> 3</sup>National Centre for Animal Health, Serbithang, Bhutan</p> <p><strong>Objective:</strong> To determine the prevalence of ancylostomiasis among dogs in Bumthang district</p> <p><strong>Study area and period:</strong> Four sub-districts under Bumthang district; 15<sup>th</sup> March 2021 to 30<sup>th</sup> April 2021</p> <p><strong>Study design:</strong> Cross-sectional study</p> <p><strong>Sample size and sampling:</strong> Faecal and whole blood samples were collected from 177 dogs (100 free-roaming and 77 pet dogs) in Bumthang. Faecal samples were processed and examined for hookworm eggs using standard parasitological methods.</p> <p>Based on the total dog population in the district, probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling frame was worked out for each sub-district. Sampling was done from every tenth free-roaming (stray) dog and every fifth owned dog (pet) presented to the clinic during the entire DPM program.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The overall prevalence of ancylostomiasis in Bumthang was 5.6% (95% CI; 2.25-9.05). The prevalence was highest in Chhoekhor Toed with 9.1% followed by 8.8% in Chamkhar town, 5.4% in Tang, 2.6% in Ura and none in Chumey. The prevalence was comparatively higher in pet dogs (6.5%, 95% CI; 0.73-9.27) than free-roaming dogs (5.0%, 95% CI; 0.99-11.99). However, there was no statistical significance between the prevalence in pet dogs and free-roaming dogs (<em>p</em>&gt; 0.05).</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> This study indicates that dogs in Bhutan are known reservoir hosts of human hookworm infection. The finding necessitates the inclusion of dogs in any interventions to combat human hookworm infections in the country. Further, the molecular characterization of the <em>Ancylostoma</em> species needs to be carried out in order to understand <em>Ancylostoma</em> species and species-specific potential public health risks in the country.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>Note** (Word count: 230 words excluding title, author(s), affiliations and section headings)</em></strong></p> Bhutan Journal of Animal Science 2024-11-15 Manuscript submission: CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS FOR FY 2024-2025 <p>3(10) NLRC/ADM/JAKAR/2024-2025/<strong><em> 296 </em></strong>August 6, 2024</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS</strong></p> <p>As per the research calendar, the Bhutan Journal of Animal Science (BJAS), Bumthang would to invite manuscripts for the upcoming Volume 9, Issue 1 publication for FY 2024-2025. All manuscript should be submitted online at (after registering with BJAS). If you face problems with online submission, submit it to the Editor-in-Chief through email at <a href=""></a></p> <p>A manuscript submitted to BJAS will be deemed acceptable only if they have not been published or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The last date of manuscript submission is <strong>31<sup>st</sup> December 2024</strong>. You may refer <a href=""></a> to prepare your manuscripts as per the customize style of the BJAS.</p> <p>BJAS is looking forward to receiving your scientific papers for publication.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><strong>(Dr. Jambay Dorjee)</strong></p> <p><strong>PROGRAM DIRECTOR</strong></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Bhutan Journal of Animal Science 2024-08-07 Manuscript submission: CALL FOR LIVESTOCK RESEARCH PROPOSALS FOR FY 2024-2025 <p>The National Livestock Research Centre (NLRC), Bumthang is pleased to announce a call for research proposals for FY 2024-2025 on the livestock-related themes reflected in the Livestock Research Strategy, Operational Modalities, and Implementation Guidelines 2023 (LRSOMIG 2023). This call aims to promote research that contributes to the following vision and mission of livestock research in Bhutan;</p> <p><strong>Vision</strong></p> <p>Generate knowledge and technologies through scientific research that supports holistic livestock development, contributing to a sustainable and prosperous economy for social well-being.</p> <p><strong>Mission</strong></p> <ol> <li>Improve food and nutrition security through research for efficient, safe, and sustainable use of livestock resources.</li> <li>Develop and strengthen innovative livestock research programs that align with emerging priorities and address national issues to ensure equitable socio-economic development.</li> <li>Provide coherent mechanisms to efficiently disseminate knowledge and technologies to the end users.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Eligibility</strong>: Open to livestock professionals</p> <p><strong>Proposal Deadline</strong>: 31st March 2024 and the deadline may be extended till the budget for FY 2024-2025 is approved.</p> <p><strong>Proposal Format</strong>: Follow the Livestock Research Strategy, Operational Modalities, and Implementation Guidelines 2023 and Instruction for Authors of the Bhutan Journal of Animal Science (BJAS) available on the BJAS website.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>In this regard, interested authors are invited to submit a research protocol through the email address, to NLRC management within the above deadline for review and approval by the LRTC.</p> <p>If required, please contact the undersigned at 03-631319 during office hours.</p> <p><strong> </strong>With Best Regards,</p> <p> </p> <p>(Dr. Jambay Dorjee)</p> <p><strong>PROGRAM DIRECTOR</strong></p> Bhutan Journal of Animal Science 2024-03-12 Manuscript submission: CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS AND RESEARCH PROPOSALS FOR FY 2023-2024 <p>The editorial board of the Bhutan Journal of Animal Science (BJAS) under the National Livestock Research Centre (NLRC), Bumthang invites Manuscripts for potential publication in the next issue (Volume 8). All manuscripts will be subjected to editorial review. Interested authors are requested to submit the manuscript on or before <strong>December 31, 2023</strong>, through the email address, <a href=""></a> of the Editor-in-Chief, BJAS Bumthang. For any additional information on the manuscript, refer to BJAS Author Guidelines available at <a href=""></a></p> <p>Furthermore, the Livestock Research Technical Committee (LRTC) under NLRC, Bumthang (DoL delegated the LRTC mandate to NLRC w.e.f 1<sup>st</sup> July 2023) would like to call research proposals on research works to be executed for the current fiscal year. In this regard, interested authors are invited to submit a research protocol to NLRC management on or before September 30, 2023 for review and approval by the LRTC.</p> <p>If required, please contact the undersigned at 03-631319 during office hours.</p> <p><strong> </strong>With Best Regards,</p> <p> </p> <p>(Dr. Jambay Dorjee)</p> <p><strong>Program Director</strong></p> Bhutan Journal of Animal Science 2023-08-30